Flags. Four of them - red, blue, yellow and green. We're gonna make it like the companies' flag-designing competition, where :
+ A theme is picked. In our session, it was "traditional weapons", so I'll probably go with this theme, unless anyone objects.
+ The concept is drawn. Note that each flag has to have the symbol of Le Carnet though the words Le Carnet du Service National don't need to be put there.
+ Apart from the symbol of choice, each flag has to have the company/team name and a motto. In my session it was En Avant Bravo ! - Ilmu, Iman, Amal. En avant means "ahead, advance, forward march", whilst Ilmu, Iman, Amal literally translates to "knowledge, faith, practice". See the Bravo Company flag for an example : an axe was spliced into the Malaysian National Service logo. Take your cue from there and let your imagination run wild !
+ The flags need to be propped. With flagposts. If you have to use poles, please bring them along. Please, oh please, we need them.
So why would I want to use them ? Simple. Because every competition or assembly requires the presence of the four flags, symbolising the convergence of the four companies. If we're outdoors, the flags are brought along ; if we're in the hall, they're kept in this rack-like thingy. It's the identity of every company, and just as in my National Service stint, I'm favouring Duchemin's company : Bravo.
If you have any suggestions on how to make it better, or if you want to work on the other flags, you're most welcome !
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