
A typical day in November 2007

I get up at around 6:00 a.m., find my bed all dusty, groggily get up, bathe, eat, head off to St. John's Cathedral for morning prayers, and then reach school. And then there is that rigmarole of having to line up before going to the respective exam points (mine is in the school hall). And then they read the "warning to candidates" - no copying, no cheating, blah blah blah... and the examination starts. If I'm lucky enough, it would end in the morning and I can go home and nap. Or else, here come the sleepy afternoons where I have to stay back to do extra papers.

Right now I have five tests down and seven more to go. The next one is Additional Mathematics... gosh, I wonder how that'll be. I was always known for erratic Add Math results. Next week is a heavy week as there are many studying subjects - Add Math, Physics, Chemistry, Moral (oh, I hate you.....). With the aim of straight A's, I make my way into the hall with a song playing in my mind every day.

Honestly, none of us can wait for it to be over and over with. But first off, it has to be done well !!

Oh, and before I forget, to all SPM and STPM candidates, I wish you all the best.


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