Today is Sunday. And with term having begun, the first Student Mass for the academic year is today.
Oh, how I am looking forward to that. And how I am looking forward to meeting my closest friends again!
I must be in bed — a long day awaits me. But really, I am excited.
In truth, it isn’t the law school that has taken me places. The one affiliation that has indeed taken me places is the university’s Catholic chaplaincy (a.k.a. UH CathSoc). Had it not been for them, I wouldn’t have found myself. I wouldn’t have been able to go to Stonyhurst and Woldingham to discuss questions of faith openly. I wouldn’t have made the company I’ve made. Had it not been for them, I wouldn’t have known what World Youth Day is all about. I wouldn’t have had such a profound encounter and change of heart — that which resulted from an event which almost claimed my life. My dream of meeting the Holy Father face-to-face wouldn’t have been true. And every question for which the answer is, ‘God is love’, would not have been answered.
I’m now part of the committee (as secretary), along with Michael, Peter and Mark (Tanner). My other friends — Gonçalo, Sophia and loads of others — are there to help too. I must bear in mind that whatever I do, I must put God at the centre, and all things good will come out of it.
I’ve been going on and on about the chaplaincy without actually showing you the new CathSoc logotype, which I conjured about a week before the Faith Summer Conference:
It’s getting late, so I’m going to throw in a link to the description.
Alright. I’d better do my Lectio and head off to bed kthxbai.
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