Lent begins today with Ash Wednesday — a day of fasting, abstinence and contrition.
I initially had no idea what to do for a Lenten offering... I did want to give up something, but I just didn't know what. Then I found out from Facebook that a friend was going to give up going on Facebook for the entire period of Lent.
So I thought, hey, I should do the same. Not that I want to copy others, but let's assess the situation: we have a lot of online time. I especially do. Much of our online time is spent on Facebook and Twitter. Mine is spent on Facebook, Twitter and Newgrounds.
For the season of Lent, I shall be giving up all activity on Newgrounds and nearly all activity on Facebook and Twitter, updating only where necessary. I've even set my profile pictures to "Off Facebook/Newgrounds For Lent".
I trust that these 40 days and 40 nights are going to be a very good time for me to put things into perspective and spend more time with the Lord. Also, these 40 days and 40 nights are going to help me put face-to-face communication at a much higher position than before. I did get deep into thought about it and I believe that this is not only a period for repentance, but also for forming deeper bonds.
Those of you who have my contact details on Skype and MSN can keep in touch with me that way. Just leave me a message saying when you'll be on. Alternatively, if you are on DeviantArt, we could send notes to each other. There's also the good old e-mail and phone call. ^_^
Friends have told me that this is a very brave thing to do. I guess it is — if I don't take that step, when will I ever do it? I bear in mind that last year, there were a few things that I made sure I did during the season of Lent, which I still try to practise even today: 1) attend daily Mass as often as I could, 2) seek the Sacrament of Reconciliation regularly. (I'm not the best at keeping with the first of these two things, but I try!)
So yeah. If you're reading this and would like to share your Lenten offering, please, do so. ^_^
Friends, I wish you a happy and fruitful Lent.
Beatus quadragesima, amici!
Laus Deo semper
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