
First compositions complete

OK - other than my close friends, who would have thought that I can actually make up something ?

My first song is in Malay - and the title is Kasih. I did the MIDI file months ago and it is finally brought to perfection in July 2006. Hopefully I get enough voices to sing with me - the backups, in other words. And hopefully, I may be able to record this file and post it online...

It is about love to one's parents. Something different, and something not many people will sing about. I wanted to make this a tribute to my parents. And then again, I wanted so much to exercise the passion that I have for singing, playing music and composing...

It is hard to translate the song in English - really sorry. But I will try - for the sake of everyone else. I wanted to target the francophones too ! And poetic Malay, being the easier language to translate into French, was a hit with those who have already listened to it.

This is the first set of lyrics (trust me, when I showed it to my school teachers the song was subject to drastic cuts and changes... until I actually forgot the original lyrics ; bet they're in the incinerator by now.

Wajah indah bercahaya
Ku merenungi sinaran mata
Syahdu jiwa gelora sukma...
(Wajah indah bercahaya)

Kasihmu menderu-deru
Belaianmu selembut bayu
Senyumanmu meratah sendu
(Wajah indah bercahaya)

Kelibat senyuman memandang wajahku
Kolam derita jelas di matamu
Ternyata ungkapan "kusayang padamu"
Dengan ayat yang menyentuh hatiku

Jika kau tiada bersamaku bila kuhadapi onak duri
Ku takkan tahu bagaimana akan kuhidup diri sendiri
Kini ku kian mengerti
Kasih cintamu akan kekal abadi
Kusayang padamu sepenuh hati…
(Wajah indah bercahaya)

There is the second song, and I've only done the music for this. It's called Papillon (French for butterfly). I'm yet to write lyrics for this.

And if you're wondering how I know how to speak French, note : I began learning it in March 2004.

Somehow I wonder whether I can perform this in either version in school at the end of the year... I did make a promise to those who wanted an encore performance.

I'll let you know when I'm working on the .mp3 files for these songs.


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