
Logo designing

Hello everyone ! It's been about a month or so since I posted to the CDSN chronicles.

Anyway. Here's the deal : you have one National Service logo, and the rule is that you have to try incorporate the NS logo, or at least the colours, while making your company symbol. The theme for my conscription was "traditional weapons", and while everyone went with crossed arms, Bravo came up with something that crossed international borders.

The original NS logo.

Alpha Company's design.

Bravo's design.

Charlie's design.

Delta's design.

I redesigned all four logos after realising that I needed something graphic-worthy.

Now, here's the challenge : you're given one National Service logo for the new project. And instead of designing one company logo, you have to come up with ALL FOUR. They've all gotta incorporate the new symbol, or at least use some elements of the new symbol. I'm still going on the theme of traditional weapons - so which means you have to use the same weapons used in the previous logos - sword and shield for Alpha, axe for Bravo, kris and sheath for Charlie, and spears for Delta.

So, in order to remind you of how the new NS logo looks like :

Up for the challenge ? If you think you've made something of quality and you'd like to have it featured, e-mail it to me


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