The students had to blow balloons of their team colour... guess what they had to do after that ?
With the balloons tied to their ankles, they had to do the Macarena ! Well, seems that everyone took care not to burst each others' balloons, so everyone passed that round. But after that balloons were popped like anything...
One of our team members doing the hula. We ultimately let Fione do it and we won ! ^_^
The scoreboard.
The materials. They were so colourful, I was compelled to take a picture of them.
The commentators' table. I'm not sure who the team leader was (I forgot).
The final game. Participants had to form a chain, and they had to pass a hoop through the line without breaking the chain.
Red Team celebrating their victory. They got a whole lot of University of Hertfordshire goodies. (Editor's note : Oh, just you wait, it won't work for long...)
The final Jam Circle. We did another set of moves before the crowd dispersed.
Now, I was indeed exhausted, but I had a fun time. Even when my shoe broke, even when I was the only one wearing a dress... I really did have fun.
And to the members of what was the Yellow Team, good job. First was first and second was nothing, but you guys did a commendable job, and I thank you.
Just so you know, I had to upload the photos on Flickr because I attempted uploading them from Blogger, then Windows Live Writer, and both attempts failed.
Coming soon :
Games Night, in videos
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