
How tense it all was in Lit class yesterday

I can't believe I'm still talking about yesterday (yeah, for the fact that almost half a day has gone by and today seems to be among the most mundane days of my life).

I felt monstrous, like this...

... and Ms Sunbeam felt like this. No, not using the tortoise pic to suggest anything except an overdose of caffeine...

I don't know what led me to feel monstrous. Maybe all those emo thoughts that flooded inside my head. Haply it was all because of the idiot who reformatted my PC when there was absolutely no need to. Perhaps the new story of harassment that happened in college left me all fuming. And the alleged perpetrator was not in college today, goodness knows why, and God bless her soul. But I do know Ms Sunbeam was momentarily suffering from a caffeine overdose (for the fact that she couldn't sleep). Tsk tsk tsk, too much coffee.

With all those mixed emotions and feelings, I don't even know how we scraped through those few scenes in King Lear, and that's one helluva drama filled with vulgarity, egoism and b******y.

artwork courtesy of Pasquale D'Silva and Lisa Bentley


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