
The other promise

Look in my eyes
Do you remember
The other promise
That I made to you
Or are you intent
On letting all go ?
I made a promise
And I want to get to you
I promised to be with you forever...

Never say "adieu", because it means that we'll never meet again.
Rather, say "au revoir" - till the next time we meet again.

Today, just like the character he chose, "Roxas" leaves the Organisation. In a close community, it doesn't matter if you see the people face to face. You depend largely on what your heart says. And all our hearts said the same : he was one of the liveliest people we've ever met - passionate, ready to take on tasks. And when he announced that he was contemplating leaving us, we were shocked. I was especially shocked, being seven hours ahead of most of the users - I woke up only to see the message on his page.

I remember the first time we spoke to each other. The first thing he did, after we all gave him a warm welcome, was come to my talk page and ask, "Can I have a talkbox ?"

I even remember this, back when I had asked the rest of us to correct my grammatical errors, because I knew I'd have some :

Tu sais, ce n'est pas le nombre d'années d'apprentissage de la langue qui font une personne orthographiquement parfaite (whaw, c'est beau ce que je dis ^^). Je ne dis pas que je suis le Dieu de l'orthographe, mais c'est vrai qu'il est vraiment très (très, très... ^^) rare que j'en fasse. Mais pour quelqu'un qui en a fait 5 ans, c'est vraiment pas mal du tout ! Tu sais, il y en a qui en font toute leur vie (des années d'apprentissage) et qui restent analphabètes (j'exagère un petit peu, mais si tu voyais le nombre de fautes d'orthographes que la plupart des gens font, tu tomberais par terre ^^).
You know, it's not the number of years of learning a language that make someone perfect in spelling (whoa, what I just said was nice ^^). I'm not saying that I'm the God of spelling, but truly, I do it very (very, very... ^^) rarely. But for someone who has only spoken the (French) language for five years, it really isn't bad at all ! You know, there are people who do it all their life (in terms of the number of years of learning) and who are still illiterate (I guess I'm exaggerating a little, but if you see the number of spelling errors that most people do, you'll faint ^^).

Virtual or real, losing a friend is painful. I hate the thought of having to say goodbye, even though sometimes, it's inevitable. I really hate goodbyes. I've lived through several painful goodbyes and I don't know how much stronger they have actually made me.

You made me understand... how wonderful it is to believe in what my heart says. You gave us life. And we know, the friendship we have with you is real.

Thanks for everything, and hope to see you soon, Thomas.


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