Today, at noon, registration for Hertfordshire’s Got Talent began in the Forum. My exam ended at 12:30, and I decided to pay a visit to the Forum to see what it was all about. But for the same reasons I was discouraged from participating in Britain’s Got Talent, I did not participate in the university-level competition.
Yes, it did deal enough damage to make me cry, but for the sake of some people who do not yet believe in what I can do, I refrained from participating and tried to become a good bystander instead.
The competition proper began at 1-something, and the results were announced at close to 4:00 p.m. I had my PC and cameras ready, and I did not want to miss an opportunity to take videos and pictures.

The Auditorium, before it all began. The stage lights were enticing. Everything about the audition round was well done.

The judges settling down before the first contestant arrived on stage.

Some participants.
My second new friend, Saman, doing a Bollywood dance. Now truth be told, I haven’t seen a Bollywood dance in a long time. And this is coming from a person who isn’t a fan of Bollywood!
The results announcement. The shortlisted candidates get to the semifinals on the 3rd of September. And…… I believe my commentary should drive a point home.
I came back from the Forum, happy with the results, and happy that the good acts were indeed shortlisted… and when I got back home, I wept.
I wanted to sing, I wanted to imagine myself on stage, but I felt like I was being suppressed. Suppressed by the intentions of others. Maybe time will tell.
It seems like this week is a week without much rest for me. For starters…
Yes, the long-awaited wait for the prequel to the first Kingdom Hearts is over. I have to wait for my other parcel to come — and it’s a gift from a friend — a PSP!
Oh and… there’s also the lunch with my mates from the chaplaincy tomorrow, and Volunteer Recognition Evening coming up on Thursday. VRE is an annual awards ceremony held by the UHSU for people who have been enthusiastic in their volunteering work. All the Soapbox bloggers get to go for free, and we’ll all be receiving certificates for our efforts and… we’ll be meeting the Vice Chancellor… and it’s all gonna be in the Forum! I can’t wait! ^_^

I found this notice on one of the doors in the Student Union headquarters.
More coming from me very soon!
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