Prior to the VRE, I was supposed to wait for fellow Soapbox blogger Kate Snowdon at the EleHouse, but I couldn’t find her. At 6:02, I ran up to the upper level of the Forum and into the Auditorium I went. I effectively missed Mass and Lectio Divina because of this.
And following this will be my story, in pictures, visuals and text.

The Forum’s Auditorium, this time, with seats, slideshows and a distinguished feel to it. The ceiling and chandelier were lowered this time, and it was awesome — in fact, more awesome than the usual décor they put there for weekly parties!

The stage. In case you’re wondering why there’s a banner with Galio jewellery on it, the winner of that evening took home, among his other prizes, £50 worth of jewellery! Also, we wonder if they sponsored the event…

Fellow Soapbox bloggers Kate Snowdon and Vickie Shirley. This was the first time I met Vickie vis-à-vis.

I know I look awkward, what with me biting my thumb on top of it all, but this is just proof that I was there… as an award receiver. Flip and Lumix cameras in hand, we’re ready to go!

The UHSU bundle, which was not really a door gift, but a gift for each person who took his seat. HALF A CHICKEN FREE AT NANDO’S HATFIELD! I’m so using this! Now in that bundle were: 1) an edition of Blue Moon, 2) a bumper edition of Universe, the university’s weekly newspaper (thus it’s thicker than usual), 3) a few brochures, including that of the 2011 May Fest, 4) a UHSU lapel pin, 5) a UHSU wristband.

The UHSU wristband and the ticket on my hand. The wristband reads, “Represent, Collaborate and Listen:”. The ticket reads, “theforum: Over 18”.

The UHSU pin. ^_^

The Auditorium as it was slowly getting filled with people.

A view from above.

The guests for the evening, including the Dean of Students and the Mayor of Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council.
Adam Flint began the event with a short speech, then the host came on the stage. HE IS A STAND-UP COMEDIAN. FULL STOP. XD

The Mayor announcing the Volunteer Community Award. The winner was a Malaysian named Ong Ming Hoe.

Ming Hoe receiving his award.

Yasmin Bastow announcing the RAG (Raise and Give) Excellence Award. Looking on is the host cum stand-up comedian, whose name I have forgotten.

The Auditorium when it was nearly empty. Kate, Vickie and I had just come back in after having some food and drink.

What a pleasant surprise I got when I saw Michelle (my friend from the chaplaincy) in the Auditorium too! She was receiving a volunteer award for having designed a number of posters for the UHSU.

My award was for my participation as a blogger for Soapbox. Speaking of which, there’s a backlog of posts on Soapbox I have to tend to immediately after this post is done.

Another one of our Soapbox friends, Kenny England, receiving the UHSU Media Award. Now he’s put his thumb into every pie as far as UHSU Media is concerned: He’s been on Crush Radio, UnionTV, Blue Moon, Universe and now Soapbox! He was also nominated as a finalist for the VRE. Presenting him with the award is Thom Palser.

I forgot his name (someone refresh me please?), but he was the winner of the night, and he took home quite a lavish amount of prize money and other stuff! Looking on are Adam Flint and Thom Palser. The announcer kissing him on the cheek is UHSU president Nica de Koenigswarter.
After the VRE ended, there was an after-show party in the Style Bar. Kate, Vickie and I stayed for a few moments, but left early — Kate and Vickie had to prepare for exams, whilst I needed to be back home.

Oh, how my heart sank when they turned the piano into a table top for the DJ. I wanted to play…
The VRE was a great evening, and a great way to give recognition to volunteers who have taken their time to help out with the UHSU. I enjoyed the event, and I believe Kate, Vickie and the rest did too.
Congrats to all the winners, and to all present volunteers who have helped people out, though not via the SU, and whose names have not gone down the roll, I am thinking of you and holding you in my heart.
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